Professor of Economics, V.H.N.S.N. College - Virudhunagar - 626 001



To me, He is God Himself.

In a sense, every man born on earth is but an incarnation of God. The difference between man and man lies only in the degree of divine manifestation.

Saints and seers simply go ahead and others only lag behind in this divine manifestation.

The world has witnessed a multitude of such saints and seers and Mother India has produced a great many of them.
But Yogi Ramsuratkumar cannot be equated with such saints and seers or avatars. For, He is a Godman with a difference. Nay, He is God in human form!


Yes! YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR is the God who is now on earth with a special mission and message.
That the Universe grows in evolution from Spirit to Matter, from Matter to Man and from Man to God - without beginning and without end is the message of Mother India as well as Hindu Religion from time immemorial.

The evolution of life from the protoplasm to the Super Mind is illustrated in the Hindu Mythological concept of Dasavataram (Ten Avatars).

Every avatar of God is conditioned by the limits of evolution and each succeeding avatar is nobler and higher in content and culture than the preceding ones.

Prahalada, Rama and Krishna constitute the seventh, eighth and ninth avatar respectively in the lineage of Dasavatar.

Prahalada's life is an illustration of a model life of a Bhakti Yogi who testified to the presence of God in al[ things, animate and inanimate and taught his own father and through him the whole mankind the efficacy of Nama japa.

Rama's life is an illustration of a model life of a Karma Yogi as a son to the parents, as a brother to the co-borns, as a husband to the wife, as a disciple to the Guru, as a friend Io the affectionate and as a leader Io the oppressed.
Krishna's life is an illustration of a model life of a Karma Jnana Yogi as a spiritual teacher to all mankind and as an avowed destroyer of adharma in the world.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar represents the last and tenth of the Dasavatharam and stands at the apex of all as the acme and zenith of the Ten Avatars the Vaikunta Avatar of Kaliyuga.


YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR is literally an integral Yogi representing in Him a synthesis of all the four Yogas - Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga.

He has learnt Jnana Yoga (wisdom) Raja Yoga (Meditation) and Bhakti Yoga (Nama Japarn) from His three Great Masters Sri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharishi and Swami Ramdas respectively and has become a Karma Yogi by Himself.

He embodies in Himself the Universal Compassion of Gautama Buddha, the Selfless" Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the Militant zeal of prophet Mohamed.


The purpose of His Avatar is to destroy Kaliyuga and establish Dharmayuga on earth.

His Vaikunta Avatar of Kaliyuga is higher and nobler in content and culture than the Krishna Avatar thanks to His commitment to social Justice and non- violence.

That protection and upliftment of the downtrodden alone is Dharma and Self - respect is the sure and easy way to destroy evil and injustice is the message of His Vaikunta Avatar.

In the words of Yogi Ramsuratkumar Himself, "Poverty to no one at all, but prosperity to one and all both materially and spiritually, that should be our goal."


YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR believes that no war is necessary to destroy Kaliyuga and establish Dharmayuga as well as to achieve the goal of 'poverty to no one at all but prosperity to one and all both materially and spiritually"
Indeed, He has come to integrate, harmonise and spiritualise the entire human race. He has come to bring the whole world under one umbrella of Universal Integration and reign it with Universal Love.

He has come to discriminate the real from unreal, the truth from untruth and to gather all the truths realised by Man in the different branches of knowledge at different periods of history into a single tie of Universal Truth.

He has come to evolve a common global purpose and concerted effort on the part of mankind as a Whole scientifically required and historically necessitated to facilitate the furtherance of the wheels of evolution into 21st Century and beyond without experiencing the pains of a brake and the tumults of a halt.

He has come to unfold a New Vision of Human Destiny and to uphold the Divine Master Key to Reality and Victory with defeat to none but victory to one and all - East and West as well as North and South.

He has come to create a New India and a New World of Mahatma Gandhi Republic as a Mankind - As - A Whole Model based on an ultimate synthesis 'between Equality, Liberty and Fraternity, between Socialism, Liberalism and Spiritualism, between Economics, Politics and Religion that would lead to an integrated and harmonious development of Man and Society, of Materialism and Spiritualism, of Matter and Spirit, of Man and God -

He has come to spearhead Mother India's Spiritual Mission to the World as prophesised by the Saints and Seers of the past and to fulfil the 'Five Dreams" of Sri Aurobindo by making Mother India lead the world into Spiritual light and steadfast wisdom and bringing down God's Kingdom of Heaven to earth.


YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR heralds the Universal Religion of Universal Integration - the New Religion of the 21si Century Future and Beyond.

Religions have been founded in the past around Prophets - the Sons of God - only to fight for the supremacy of one over the other and to forget conveniently the unity of their prophetic visions on the oneness of God and Man
Owing to Geographical factors and other physical barriers, prophets have become only spiritual Kings and redeemers of this people or that people and of this land or that land.

The Great Redeemer and the King of the Universe is yet to succeed.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar has come now to fulfil this inevitable need and Crown Himself as the Man of the Greatest Redemption and the King of the Universe.


To day, Mankind has reached a stage when it ought to live in universal peace and love, lest, it should plunge into doom and despair. Almost all world religions foresee the aweful nearing of the doomsday. United Nations Organisation also fades into a dream and needs something more than human wisdom.

The Grace of God is the one hope that never dies and His Promise of a New Age of Social Justice (Dharmayuga) is the one dream that never fades.

Yogi Ramsurat Kumar's Mission and Message of Universal Integration is the only hope of India and the world to day.


If YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR were God Himself, why should He be in the guise of a beggar ?
That is one of the divine secrets of the Vaikunda Avatar of Kaliyuga.

The present Age is designated purposefully as Kaliyuga, although the force of Kali (Evil) has its existence in all Ages of the past.

Now evil gets socialised and is found at all levels and in all persons and needs to be fought in most democratic and non-violent ways so as to avoid total annihilation of the human race.

In past, God Himself bodied forth from Age to Age and fought directly against evil in battles of rage whenever the Good on earth looked for a shepherd and cried for divine intervention with devotion.

Today, mankind seems to be dreadful of His reign as no man or woman is devoid of signs of sin. Yet, the benign God comes down to earth though uninvited and promises His reign in the disguise of a beggar.

Mankind shall neither see nor know Him to receive when evil is laid Io eternal doom in its grave. Now, evil by itself is doomed to spin its own destined fate and no need there is for God or Man to wage a war of violence with it.
No one is destined to take sword and strain with blood of sin though for good. It is now for us Io turn away from all kinds of sin and live a life of self -realisation.

Dear to God are those who delight not in thoughts and deeds of sin but in spiritual communion with Him in steadfast devotion.

To love God is not to worship Him with vain oblations of a ritual nature. Il is to love one and ail for no returns and love one's self as the spark of the Divine with a selfless heart constantly pure and serene.

Gone are the days of self-interest born of dark ignorance and of social conflict born of doubting reason. Ahead are the days of selfless service and social Co-operation born of spiritual culture and steadfast wisdom.


YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR, the Sun of Stead fast Wisdom rises in the South to send His rays of radiance over the Himalayas to all directions of the Universe in order to embrace the entire human race and grace Human Destiny itself.

His Universal Integration is an Atom of Peace and Bliss with immeasurable potential. lt behoves us all to join His Army of Non -Violence and explode His Atom of Peace into the dawn of Dharmayuga on earth under the one umbrella of "YOGI RAMSURAT- KUMAR".

Slain in His War of Peace and Non-violence, we will attain God's Kingdom of Heaven; gaining Victory, we shall bring it down Io earth and enjoy its Sovereignty here itself.


It is worth while to recall that YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR once gave statue of Mahatma Gandhi to Sri A. R. P. N. Rajamanickam and directed him to go from Tiruvannamalai to Tapovanam by walk and hand over the Mahatma Gandhi statue as His gift to Swami Gnanananda in a symbolic gesture of showing to the world what is in store for the future of mankind.

Mahatma Gandhi Ki Jai !
Bharat Mata Ki Jai !!
Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ki Jai !!!