CDs and DVDs



Courte biographie
Short biographic notice


Paroles de Yogiji
Yogiji's Words


4050 Photos


La voix de Yogiji
(chantant Mantras et Shlokas)
Yogiji's voice
(chanting Mantras and Shlokas)


A commander au Bhavan contre virement de 15 Euros - USA - $20 - Bharat : Rs 500
Orders received at the Bhavan against transfer of 15 Euros - USA - $20 - Bharat : Rs 500
To order, please write an email at or at

"I received your post today with the CD neatly packed having no damages. I also checked all the folders in the CD and all files are working well. The CD has much more information and materials about Bhagwan than I ever imagined. I have no words to express my gratitude towards you other than to thank you for providing me with so much information and indepth sight about my Father, Yogi Ramsuratkumar. The collection of the pictures and videos of Bhagwan are indeed very rare to obtain as I have searched in the net for almost two years and have never come across most of them in any website.

I am sure that to collect these information and compiling all these information into a single CD would have required a big effort from your part. I re- assure you that the contents of this CD would not be reproduced in any form either fully or partially. I thank you once again for providing me with some thing that's so valuable to me. ... I 'll keep mailing you once in a month as I don't want to loose the contact of a person who has been so close to my Father, Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Jai Yogi Ramsuratkumar! " (V.B. - Bangalore - 02/05/2007)

Video DVDs


à vendre - on sale - € 15 each (US$ 20)+ shipment

12 DVDs vidéo ont été ce jour édités par le Bhavan
12 video DVDs have been released by the Bhavan

Veuillez noter que l'image des DVD, du fait de la forte compression, est bien entendu nettement plus précise et claire que dans les extraits que vous pouvez voir ici
PLEASE note that the image on the DVDs is much much more precise and clearer than in the extracts you can see here, this due to heavy compression


 DVD n° 1 - 1994 - 77ème Jayanti
1 ) Yogiji's arrival
2) Blessing the devotees
3) Ma Devaki
4) Mani
5) "Happy birthday to all of you!"
6) Justice Arunachalam
7) During Mani's speech
8) Morning cultural program (1 to 8)
  9) Yogiji's going out
10) The Ashram, tables for lunch
11) Yogiji's lunch
12) Afternoon cultural program (1 - 2)
13) During a speech on Ramayana
14) Aarti and Yogiji's going out
15) The Ashram at night

 DVD n° 2 - 1994

  I - 18th November - Deepam

1) Morning darshan (extract)
2) Afternoon darshan
3) The Ashram at night

  II - Around the Jayanti

4) 30th November : Darshan in the Darshan Mandir
5) 30th November : Gurunama in the Yagashala
6) 2nd December : Morning darshan


  DVD n° 3 - 1994 - 'Darshans et travaux'


du 2 au 8 décembre 1994



 DVD n° 4 - 1995 - 'Darshans and works' - The making of Yogiji's statue

1) 31st October : Yogiji's arrival (and others)
2) 31st October : Morning darshan (and others)
3) 1st November : Darshan in the hut
4) The making of Yogiji's statue by Sri Rajagopal
5) Yogiji and the works
6) 1st November : Morning darshan (and others)
7) Afternoon darshan and aarti (and others)
8) 5th November : Puja for the cottage Nr 8


 DVD n° 5 - 1995 - 'Darshans'

  I - 5th November : Morning Darshan

1) Beginning of the darshan
2) Ra Ganapati's arrival
3) Yogiji without His turban
4) Yogiji narrates His initiation and Enlightment

  II - Others

5) 6th November : Yogiji's arrival and departure
6) 11th November : Morning darshan
7) 12th November : Morning darshan
8) Yogiji leaving the ashram
9) Inauguration of the 8th cottage
10) After the inauguration


 DVD n° 6 - 1995 - 'Darshans and works'

 1) 15th November : Yogiji in the midst of works
2) 15th Nov : Images taken at Yogiji's request
3) 25th November : Morning darshan
4) Yogiji in the midst of works
 5) Afternoon
6) 26th November : Darshan
7) 27th November : Darshan


 DVD n° 7 - 1995 - 29th Nov. to 1st Dec. : 'Gurunama & Homa' opening the Jayanti

 1) 29th November : Gurunama, morning
2) Gurunama, afternoon
3) Yogiji turns around
4) Evening
 5) 30th November : Gurunama, morning
6) Gurunama, afternoon
7) 1st December : JAYANTI : Homa (beginning)
8) Homa (continuing)


 DVD n° 8 - 1995 - 1st Dec. : 78th Jayanti

 1) Yogiji's arrival - Installation - With Suresh
2) The cake - "My Father blesses all"
3) Morning program - Dance, Song
4) Offering clothes to sadhus and beggars
 5) A plate at auction
6) Afternoon program : dances (Murthy)
7) 2 shawls at auction
8) Ârti



 DVD n° 9 - 1995 - 2nd - 13th December

1) 2 Dec. : Yogiji goes to Sannadhi street
2) 3 Dec. : Kanchi Shankaracharyas' visit
3) 5 Dec. : Deepam
4) 9 Dec. : Yogiji and the works
5) 10 Dec. : Darshan
6) 11 Dec. : Yogiji in the middle of the works
7) 13 Dec. : Darshan for Krishna's departure


 DVD n° 10 - 1996 - 7th - 21st December - Darshans

1) 7 Dec. : Afternoon darshan
2) 13 Dec. : Morning darshan
3) 14 Dec. : Morning darshan
4) 14 Dec. : Afternoon darshan
5) 15 Dec. : Morning darshan
6) 16 au 21 Dec. : The Ashram and the statue



 DVD n° 11 - 1998 - 1st - 2nd December - Homa & Darshans - The Ashram

1) The path to the Ashram
2) The Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram
3) 1 Dec. - Jayanti - Homa
4) 1 Dec. : Darshan
5) 2 Dec. : Darshan


 DVD n° 12 - 1999 - Jayanti - 1st December - Homa & Darshan
The building of the Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram (1994-2000)

1) Yogiji's arrival and Homa
2) The Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram (from 1994 to 2000)
3) Dialogue between Yogiji and Ma Devaki (Jan. 1994)


"I have checked a couple of DVDs on my computer and they work fine. These are indeed treasures on Bhagwan" (Ramkumar Sundararaman - 19/07/2007)

"Since watching the videos a profound deepening has occured. ..." (S. Werkman) (10/01/2016)

"Thank you.. I watched one DVD and it felt as if my whole body was being magnetised!! What power he has... Thank you so very much for everything!!!" (T. Hollander - 07/04/2016)

For other video, click




Ce CD rassemble tout ce qui a été enregistré des mantras et versets chantés par YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR, tout a été reclassé et nettoyé autant que faire se peut, tant les enregistrements étaient d'une qualité sonore déplorable, certains pratiquement inaudibles. Ce CD est un précieux document. On doit le voir comme tel, et ne pas s'attendre à des enregistrements stéréo Hi-Fi !

Les textes en sanskrit, hindi ou tamil sont rassemblés sur un livret, avec leur translitération ainsi qu'une traduction française et anglaise.

Ce CD réalisé par Krishna, a été envoyé à Yogiji est il est maintenant en vente à l'Ashram de Tiruvannamalai avec la pochette représentée à droite, mais sans les textes.

(20 € (CD) port compris)


This CD collects all that has been recorded of mantras and slokas chanted by YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR. Everything has been regrouped and cleaned as far as it was possible to do, so much the quality of the recordings was deplorable, some being almost inaudible. This CD is a precious document. It has to be seen as such, and not as a HI-Fi stereo recording.

All the texts in sanskrit, hindi and tamil are included
with translitteration and French and English translations.

This CD, realised by Krishna, was sent to Yogiji and it is presently sold at the Tiruvannamalai Ashram with the cover that is figured on the right, but without the texts.


extraits - extracts




mensuel du Bhavan


Depuis décembre 1993 jusqu'à décembre 2002, ce sont 108 + 4 numéros parus. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance du dernier numéro en cliquant sur l'image.

Tous les numéros sont disponibles en écrivant au Bhavan ou via e mail à <> ou à <>.

Le prix pour la France par numéro est de 2 € y compris les frais d'envoi, et il est de 95 Rs pour Maurice. Pour les autres pays, le prix est de 3 US$.


Le Tarakamantra chanté par Swami Ramdas, Ma Krishnabai, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, ainsi que différentes manières de chanter le mantra.

(CD ou cassette)




par le groupe du Tulsi Krit Hanuman Mandir de Chitrakut.


par Gaura Krishna


"Dans 'HAMSA', nous trouvons le Vedanta dans sa pureté parfaite....

Ce livre nous emmène dans un voyage spirituel, nous révélant les différentes facettes du Vedanta, aussi envoûtantes l'une que l'autre...

Un livre de cette qualité est introuvable. Il vient combler une lacune ressentie depuis longtemps...

Les lecteurs pourront s'en servir comme guide et ils seront par sa lecture transformés en de profonds chercheurs spirituels..."

HAMSA 'a été lancé' publiquement en avril 2000 par Swami TEJOMAYANANDA,
tête de la Chinamaya Mission au niveau mondial,
et Swami PRANAVANANDA, tête de la Chinmaya Mission à l'Ile Maurice

Pour obtenir ce livre, vous pouvez contacter le BHAVAN, soit par courrier ou par email.
Le prix du livre y compris le port est de 20 €.

Rapportée par Kailashnath SONATUN

20 € - $ 25

 Supposons que vous puissiez demander à DIEU ce que vous faites sur terre, le pourquoi de la vie, ce qu'est la religion, la foi, l'amour, la mort, le sexe, le mariage et Lui poser tant d'autres questions pour lesquelles nous tenons à avoir des réponses.

Supposons aussi que DIEU vous donne les réponses d'une façon tellement simple et évidente que tout deviendra clair.

Cela est arrivé à KAILASHNATH.

Cela peut aussi vous arriver.

Vous êtes sur le point de vous embarquer dans une véritable aventure divine où seul le vrai désir de VOULOIR COMPRENDRE transformera votre vie.

 Let us suppose that you have the possibility to ask GOD what you are doing on Earth, the reason of life, what religion is, faith, love, sex, marriage, and to ask Him so many other questions for which we really want to get answers.

Let us also suppose that GOD gives you the answers in a so simple and obvious way that everything becomes clear.

That has happened to KAILASHNATH.

That can also happen to you.

You are on the point to embark in a true divine adventure where only the true desire to UNDERSTAND will transform your life.



Paroles et Bhajans
Words and Bhajans

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