Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar
Maryada Purushottam 


Long back, maybe in my first meeting with Yogiji or maybe it could be the second meeting (I don't recall), in the year 1995, I witnessed the kind of humility with which Yogiji conducted His life and the way He conducted Leelas.

I recall, I was in the Ashram dining hall where Yogiji used to give darshan, at that point of time.

He was sitting on that small raised platform where He used to sit normally in the dining hall.

There was some whispering going on amongst the people. Some VIP was expected pectëd to arrive from Madras, to see Yogiji.

I was told that some senior Acharya/Swami from Ramakrishna Mission Madras was to come. The car carrying al lof them had left Madras and they were to soon arrive.

While I was with Yogiji, there were people in the dining hall chanting and all the Ashram staff including Administration, were eagerly waiting for the arrival of this senior Swami from Madras.

When finally the Swami arrived, Mr Mani, I think, brought him in. As Yogiji was very particular about the visiting VIPs, in all probability Mr. Mani would have been waiting at the gate to receive them. Finally, these people came in, I think about three or four people came, all of them were Swamis from the Ramakrishna Mission. However, one of them was senior amongst them.

They all came and sat on the floor in front of Yogiji.

As soon as Yogiji saw them come in and sit on the floor, He also got up and came down from the platform and went exactly in front of that senior swami and sat there on the floor.

The way He sat down on the floor and smiled, spoke with them and burst out laughing several times, was typical of a "down to earth" humble Indian village man.

I have seen how village folk in India sit on the floor - they have a typical style which is quite different from the highly trained and probably pretentiously dignified type of the urban people of India.

In His rustic, raw and earthly style Yogiji sat on the floor and spoke with the Swami.

The Swami spoke to Yogiji in Hindi, very good Hindi. Il think the Swami told Yogiji, "We all were very keen to have your darshan."

Yogiji burst out laughing and held the Swami's hand in His hands (clasped both the hands of the Swami with His hands) and said certain things which I don't recall but obviously He was being very humble and probably informing, in His own divinely sweet style, that He was equally keen to meet them and He felt honoured as much.

They, Yogiji and Swami spoke for some time in Hindi and then I think as the Swami was to leave for some other place he got up with his group and left after a few minutes. In fact this is the only time I have heard Yogiji speak Hindi. Otherwise in all my several meetings, I have always heard Yogiji speak either in English or in Tamil.

As soon as these people left, Yogiji came back on the stage.

This is just one of those occasions, where one has seen Yogiji so naturally being a complete Maryada Purushottam.

Lord Rama was called Maryada Purushottam as He conducted all His affaires personal and social, in the most ideal manner. So was Yogiji who also conducted all His Leelas in the most "ideal manner".

He was an ideal host, I am sure He would have been an ideal guest also.

I wish we could learn something from Yogiji's behaviour and make ourselves really humble, which would be probably a natural consequence of our having no self-importance at all.

Most of us only succeed in blindly copying the Guru and really not living by the teaching; hence probably we all try to fit into a humble frame, which our mind tells us, without really being humble. If we would be Really Humble, having no self-importance, we wouldn't have to plan our actions, for they would naturally be humble.