Lee Lozowick



I am always being asked, when I travel in India, about my experiences with Yogi Ramsuratkumar. I think I must say, that my own personal relationship to Him is really the most profound and amazing experience of all. As a Westerner, I was trained and educated to question surrender, devotion and anything even slightly indicative of the true relationship to a genuine Master. 1 was brought up to be independent, self- reliable, critical of subjective and non-linear things, in a word to idolize the illusion of separation and to doubt even the very existence of God.

When I met my Father, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, it was solely by His Blessing Force that I was able to begin to relax the stranglehold of self-referenced ego and allow His Love to enter into and soften this hardened heart. It was readily apparent that I had never met a Being like Him and that in fact my very existence belonged to Him and Him alone. To have begun, even if in a very small way, to animate that which is His wish and His work for this bad poet, is the miracle itself. To be able, in whatever imperfect way, I have been able, to allow His Benediction to use me, is an experience of such magnitude, that others seem small in comparison. The transformation of the human heart, and the surrender of the small personal will to the great will of Bhagavan is the most extraordinary event in human history. I can't claim to be a very mature example of His but I do think that He has begun and that some small signs of this beginning are evident. At least I would hope so! I certainly wouldn't want to embarrass my Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar by attributing to Him what was merely my own insignificance. He has given me the task, one amongst many, of spreading His Name throughout Europe and America, and perhaps even farther. The fact that so many Westerners are beginning to recognize His Benediction in their lives is a potent wonder to me. To watch someone's face begin to radiate light and happiness as they gaze at His picture, or read or hear about Him is a pure delight and is my offering to Him.

My experiences with Yogi Ramsuratkumar are about observing in Him and feeling from Him a loving caring for His devotees and in fact for all of life that is nothing short of Divine. His abiding compassing, His ready laughter, the sparkling delight of His Presence is so evident as to be the most amazing phenomena itself. I have, of course, seen many dramatic miracles around Him but in my own case it is Love that is the true great Blessing, it is service to mankind through the breaking of rigid and resistant hearts, that is the most wonderful Miracle of all. This is why 1 am proud to call myself the son of the dirty Beggar and the Madman, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, the favorite son of His Father in Heaven.