Lee Lozowick |
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Yogi Ramsuratkumar was bornan raised, educated and lived exclusively, as far as we know, in India. He was one of the Truest examples of the sacred Tradition of Mother Bharat, a Yogi par excellence.
At the same time, He did not belong, and does not belong, to India alone. His greatness, truly Father's greatness as Yogi Ramsuratkumar, transcended and transcends all national, cultural, social, political and religious boundaries. His ability to work with westerners, not just Americans like myself, but Europeans of every country, Australians, Canadians, all peoples of the world, was not just extraordinary but perhaps even unique in our time. What a great blessing for us all, that He did not separate us further than we already are but his love, his compassion, understanding and laughter, brought us all together, under one roof, the roof of Father's house, the roof of God's kingdom on Earth and beyond.
I first travelled to India in 1976 and was given Yogi Ramsuratkumar's name as one among many saints, sagess and gurus. Little did I imagine, for truly I could not even begin to then, what a momentous and fateful meeting that would be! I was not looking for a Master. I was already guiding spiritual seekers and had been for a year or so. I assumed God was my guru. Well, He was but I did not know in what form and in fact what form did my guru god turn out to be. Yogi Ramsuratkumar. What a miraculous and merciful benediction.
I loved India the minute I stepped out of the plane in Bombay (at 3:00 AM) and I loved Yogi Ramsuratkumar the minute I set eyes upon Him. It just took me 5 years to fully grasp what and who He was in my life and to me.
Yogi Ramsuratkumatr was not just an Indian Saint, Sage or Beggar. He was not just an Indian God crazed Yogi, not just an Indian Master. He was Universal Being, a Presence of Force, a Unity Incarnate. Yogi Ramsuratkumar used to say about His Temple that it was not just for a few years, not just for a few generations even and not just for India. He used to talk about it in termes of hundreds and even thousands of years and in terms of a sacred pilgrimage center for seekers from every country on the face of the planet.
Friends, let us rejoice, for this is His Father's dream come true; and here we are, all and each a small piece, in the immense work that is the Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram and Temple.Each of us, in our devotion to in praise of and Faith in Yogi Ramsuratkumar, our Lord, help to make this Holy site, accessible to all the needy suffering people for whom Yogi Ramsuratkumar is the answer to their prayers.
So chant His name, even continuously so that His Blessing can
spread, can shower the Universe with his Universal power and grace.
Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Jaya
Guru Raya.