Yogi Ramsuratkumar
my Father




My father, my biological father, was my first teacher. His influence in my life, his teaching, was and is so great I could never recount the ways in which he gave me that upon which my own life and Teaching work is based. He built the foundation in me that has enabled me to sustain the Work's demands and stresses, and on which the structure of My Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar's temple is being built. My Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar's Temple will stand strong and confident because of the base it is built upon, thanks to my father, Louis Lozowick.

My father, Louis Lozowick, taught not by a method or by intention but by who he was. And when he died, he left me, as a ward, to my new Father, Yogi Ramsuratkumar. My father, Louis Lozowick, gave me his forte, his field, his domain and left me to the care of He Who could carry on beyond this, He Who would take me to the next stage, my Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar.

Interestingly enough, just when Louis Lozowick left his earthly domain was when Hilda Charlton, the lovely Holy Woman of New York, was bringing the subtle Influence of Yogi Ramsuratkumar to her meetings in N.Y. which I attended with great regularity, arrogance, and vulnerability, the last of which must have caught the Attention of Yogi Ramsuratkumar, thank His Gracious Father in Heaven. He, this Mad Beggar from Tiruvannamalai, assumed the Wardship left to Him by my father Louis Lozowick, and drew me to Him in India, in the flesh, for the first time in 1976. I was then even more arrogant, but somehow miraculously still vulnerable. Even so, I imagine my Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar took on His newly acquired son with some Holy Trepidation, though His Attention was reinforced by a more intimate and profoundly generous shower of Divine Influence in the form of direct Help, unbroken for even an instant since 1976 (and probably before though l'm too ignorant or gross/-dense, or both to know it).

My father Louis Lozowick gave me a heart that was strong, rich, sensitive, confident, discriminatory, disciplined, generous (too generous I often think, but tempered by my great arrogance and foolishness it hasn't gotten me into "trouble', eh?). He gave me no doubt about the fact that I was held and loved. I never thought about this, didn't need to as there was no questions, no doubt, no conflict. One only thinks about what one is in crisis over, consciously or unconsciously. My Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar gave me the Benediction to realize it is not the earthly or human beings who hold and love one truly, but God our common Father Who is His Infinite Mercy cares for His mortal children beyond anything we can ever know. My Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar broke my heart in a way that only God the Beloved can heal.

When I speak of both of my fathers, two ideas come to mind. Neither my father Louis Lozowick or my Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar comes "first'. My Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar has always been my Father.He is not an element of a temporal relationship. He did not assume His care for me in time or in space. His Blessing of His Father in Heaven permeated, intertwined with, was inexorably an element of my life with my father Louis Lozowick. And my father Louis 'Lozowick's influence, this foundation, he built, cannot be separated from the temple that Yogi Ramsuratkumar builds. I count myself an arrogant Fool, none the less greatly blessed to have two such Fathers.

Secondly the question may arise: 'How can one man have two fathers?" The answer is quite simple for of course this arrogant Fool had one father, Louis Lozowick, and has a no less true father, his Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar. I have no question that Louis Lozowick was my father and absolutely no question that Yogi Ramsuratkumar is my Father.

Am I the child of my biological mother? No. Was I once the son of flesh? Perhaps, but that is for more erudite scholars or philosophers than myself to debate if they wish. I am the child of Mother Shakti, born of Her Being, existing because of Her Power and Benediction. When Mother Shakti is 'pregnant" with 'child', from What or Who is this "child" formed? Is this "child" the product of the All-Pervasive Lord of the Universe, the Inclusive, Absolute, not-two God? -Yes, in the sense that Mother Shakti is also a product of Brahman, of the Context-of-contexts, God the One. But in the sense of the apparent distinctions or individuations of creation, of God self-divided as Shiva-Shakti, as Krishna-Radha, as Rama-Sita, no. Mother's children may be the product of more than one father. Mother may be impregnated with diverse elements each of which unite in Her to form just the "child" that God the Father, the Absolute One, needs for His Play. When man's mother is Mother Shakti, he may have two fathers. There is no conflict here, none at all.
May I be Blessed with the ability to Praise my father Louis Lozowick with the gratitude and honor due him, and Blessed with the broken-heartedness with which to worship the dust of the feet of the Mad and dirty Sinner, my Father Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Such is my prayer.