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Coming to Anandashram in January 1949 was like returning home, my real home. From the next day of my arrival at the Ashram, I kept myself busy serving the Masters Swami Ramdas (Beloved Papa) and Mother Krishnabai (Pujya Mataji) in every possible way. In a very short time I became one with the Ashram. They taught me that Sadhana was not merely sitting still in meditation with closed eyes, but also living a normal life with constant God-remembrance and doing all acts dedicating them to Him, thus making every movement of the Sadhaka an act or worship. Gradually I understood that, they being everything and beyond, serving them meant serving everybody else also. I found in Beloved Papa and Mataji my divine parents and in all the Ashramites and visitors my brothers and sisters. I found real peace and joy in life, the like of which I had never enjoyed till then.
By their living in our midst with Universal Vision and by their spontaneity, simplicity, humility and nobility, they taught me that the purpose of human life is to realise God and how a person who has realised God lives, talks and acts. They taught me how one can live for others, how one can embrace the whole world as one's own and how one can love others, not merely without expecting anything in return but also when the return was unpalatable. They taught me by their actions and attitude how one can remain in the world perfectly detached like water-drops on a lotus leaf. I saw how they sometimes faced unpleasant situations and could laugh over them like children
I came to them absolutely raw and shapeless like a lump of
clay. I surrendered to them. They graciously took me in hand,
pressed, crushed and moulded me to give shape to make me their
instrument to serve all. Beloved Papa also gave me a lot of opportunities
to move with his spiritual children who came to him as serious
seekers and later became Mahatmas like Yogi Ramsuratkumarji Maharaj.
How from an apparently possessive and obstinate nature, the Yogiji
who took initiation from Beloved Papa, rose to the height of the
Divine child of Arunachala is something for all the ardent Sadhakas
to emulate. Not caring for even the basic requirements of the
body, he threw himself totally at the feet of his Master whom
he always addresses as 'my father'. lt is rare to see such intense
vairagya. For nearly tour decades, while he continued to deny
himself of any of the normal needs, he became a source of solace
and protection for innumerable devotees, more so in Tamil Nadu.
His surrender to his Guru was total. He always used to say, "My
father alone exists. Nothing else, Nobody else'. Even after dropping
his body, the Yogiji continues to inspire many in the path of
devotion. I still remember the touching reference he made at the
time of our meeting at the guest-house of SrI Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai
after a long gap of four decades. Answering somebody whether he
was waiting for a few hours, he said not hours but for forty years.
To meet saints is a blessing. To be with them is a greater blessing.
To be given a chance to serve them is a great privilege.