Perfect Bliss and Peace



Our's is a happiest family once we feel that we are Yogi Ram's child and servant. It is our experience that when any one lays himself in all humility at the Holy Feet of Bhagavan - attains peace and happiness. One cannot describe and portray our Guru. Because Yogi Ram reminds us of the all-pervading, ever-existent and all-loving Sri Ram. Good and bad, joy and sorrow, love and hate all is Yogi Ram. Our mind itself is Yogi Ram, our Atma, our senses and the twenty-four TATVAS are Suratkumar. Eminent persons, Hindu, Christian and Mohammedan have stood abashed before His Holiness.

Once a devotee requested Bhagavan to teach him - How to attain peace and happiness ? for which Guru Dev told him to "Meditate always on my name - Yogi Ramsuratkumar - as etemal peace, or as bliss or as both, then you will have both peace and bliss under all conditions".

Even today, many of the aspirants of Bhagavan know very well that, Yogi Ramsuratkumar 'Himself is chanting the Mantram, "Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jeya Guru Jeya Guru Jeya Guru Raya". His tuneful voice makes our hearts for ever and for ever rejoice. His entwining arm guards and saves us from every harm.

My experience is Offer and Resign, to Yogi Ramsuratkumar, and rest content, no sorrow then dare approach you. No need to grope in the dark, no need to perplex. To get Yogi Ram's grace, one must pray to Him in full faith. Our heart-felt prayers are always heard. Have unshakeable faith in Yogi Ram and His power. Take thorough refuge in Suratkumar. Give up all fear, all anxiety, all doubts. Submit, resign and surrender yourself to the Holy Feet of Yogi Ramsuratkumar. You will feel always cheerful, peaceful and blissful. Full reliance on Him is strength and peace to mankind.

Chant - "Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jeya Guru Raya" to be always immersed in a sea of perfect bliss and peace. The moment Bhagavan's name is uttered, the moment it is thought of, the moment it is remembered - our mind is purified and peace is gained. Peace that brings pure anandam (happiness). All darkness is gone, all ignorance is driven away, all pain and evil are eradicated. What a marvellous name ? Clinging to it firmly, in all faith in all determination, we can work wonders.

One who takes refuge in that Divine name, Blessed by Vedas and Upanishads, knows no pain, no care, no sorrow and no misery. Meditate always on Yogi Ramsuratkumar, who is the Light and Truth. Let us chant constantly, "Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jeya Guru Raya ", to immerse ourselves in perfect bliss and peace.