It was the day when Lord Arunachaleshvara offered the annual tarpana (offering to the dead forefathers) to Va11ala Maharaja. (The Maharaja, a ruler of Tiruvannamalai in the 18th century had no progeny. He and his wife were devoted to the Lord and prayed intensely for a child. It appears that the Lord appeared as an ascetic entered the queen's chambers transformed into a handsome young man and lay down on the bed, to be transformed again into a wonderful baby boy, who disappeared after a short time. But the voice of the Lord said that Vallala Maharaja need not worry about the lack of progeny but, that He would Himself give the annual ceremonial offerings! Hence the annual ritual faithfully conducted by the temple up to this day). Smt. Sundari and Smt. Anuradha decided to have darshan of Lord Arunachaleshvara and later witness the offering of tarpana and they set out for the temple. Anuradha said they could have brealdast on the way back but Sundari would have none of it. She packed two packets of iddlis from the Ashram (Sri Ramanashram) and started. There is a stand for footwear opposite the Arunachaleshvara temple. Sundari saw Bhagavan Yogi Ramsuratkumar standing nearby and she ran there and prostrated to Him. Bhagavan said, "Distribute the iddlis you have brought to the beggars here." Sundari immediately handed over the bag containing the iddlis to Bhagavan, who took out one packet and distributed two iddlis to the beggars who were there. There was a boy sleeping. He woke him up and gave him a piece. There was one idly in His hand over which He gazed for a few seconds, ate half of it and handed over the balance to Sundari instructing her to eat it. After that He gave them leave to go. Anuradha asked Sundari "Is this why you insisted on bringing iddlis?" Sundari was completely immersed in the joy of Bhagavan's lila. On a Sivaratri day Sundari and Veenai Ramani Ammal decided to have darshan of Lord Arunachaleshvara. Ramani Ammal had obtained a darshan ticket. Smt. Ramani Ammal left Sundari behind and had gone to the temple in advance. The ticket was for the 10 o' clock darshan. Sundari completed her work in the (Ramana) Ashram and went home, to find that Ramani Ammal had already left. So the proceeded to the temple, where she saw Ramani Ammal seated near the temple flag staff engaged in Japa. Ramani did not notice Sundari who decided that she would do a pradakshina (circumambulation) of the temple and then leave. When she began the pradhakshina she found Yogi Ramsuratkumar under the Magiz}na Maram (the temples Sthala Vriksha) so she went and prostrated to Him. Yogiji turned His back to her. A little later Sri Dwarakanath Reddy and his daughter Sandhya came with a packet of chocolates which they offered to Bhagawan with their prostrations. Bhagavan said, "This beggar doesn't like chocolates. Take them away." Sri Dwarakanath Reddy was wondering whether Bhagawan would return the chocolates to him! A few minutes later, Bhagawan took the packet and distributed the chocolates to all those around except to these two! Bhagavan took one of the last chocolates and was about to hand over to Sundari's extended hand, when He threw it away at the Magizha Maram! He repeated this play four or five times, and then gave a small bit of jaggry to Sundari. When Sundari was about to eat it, Bhagavan took it and ate half and asked her to eat the rest! Sundari ate it and did a namaskaram to Bhagavan. She felt as if she was in Kailash, having darshan of Lord Siva Himself. Later on Dwarakanath Reddy asked her why Bhagavan played this lila Sundari said she could not understand the purpose of the lila but she felt that her Karmas had been thrown away, one by one. One evening Sundari and Kunjammal went to Sannadhi Street for Bhagavan's darshan. Sundari had taken some sugar candy as an offering to Bhagavan. Kunjammal purchased a dozen plantains as an offering. A couple was already seated in front of Bhagavan. Sundari and Kunjammal did their namaskars. Bhagavan took the sugar candy gave some to the couple in front of Him, gave one each to Sundari and Kunjamma, asked Sundari to sit before Him and recite the nama. He told Kunjamma "This beggar does not like plantains" and asked her to take them away. As Sundari chanted the nama, Bhagavan was waving His hands as though He was driving away something. He later gave them leave. The next day Sundari had a heart attack. The doctor advised Sundari to take rest for 30 days. After a few days when Sundari was feeling better. Anuradha took Sundari to Bhagavan Yogi Ramsuratkumar and informed Him of Sundari's heart attack. She also requested Bhagavan's advice regarding the doctor to be consulted for Sundari's further treatment. Bhagavan said, "No doctor, no medicine, Father will cure her." When ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) test was taken a few days later, there was absolutely no sign of her having suffered a heart attack! Bhagavan acts as the physician to those who surrender to Him. On the night she suffered a heart attack, Sundari had the distinct feeling that Bhagawan was seated next to her and was fanning her. (Saranagatam July 2019)
C'était le jour où
le Seigneur Arunachaleshvara avait offert le tarpana annuel
(offrande aux ancêtres décédés) au
Vallala Maharaja. (Le Maharaja, dirigeant de Tiruvannamalai au
XVIIIe siècle, n'avait pas de progéniture. Lui
et sa femme étaient dévoués au Seigneur.
Ils avaient intensément prié pour avoir un enfant.
Il semble que le Seigneur apparut lorsqu'un ascète entra
dans la chambre de la reine, pour se transformer encore en jeune
homme et s'allonger sur le lit, pour se transformer à
nouveau en un merveilleux petit garçon qui disparut peu
de temps après, mais la voix du Seigneur dit que Vallala
Maharaja n'avait pas à s'inquiéter du manque de
progéniture, qu'Il donnerait Lui-même les offrandes
cérémoniales annuelles ! D'où le rituel
annuel qui fidèlement conduit par le temple jusqu'à
ce jour). Il y a un support à chaussures en face du temple d'Arunachaleshvara. Sundari vit Bhagavan Yogi Ramsuratkumar qui se tenait à proximité et elle courut se prosterner devant lui. Bhagavan dit : "Distribuez les idlis que vous avez apportés aux mendiants qui sont ici." Sundari remit immédiatement le sac contenant qui contenait les idlis à Bhagavan qui sortit un paquet et distribua deux idlis aux mendiants qui se trouvaient là. Il y avait un garçon qui dormait. Il le réveilla et lui en donna un. Il avait un idli dans Sa main qu'Il regarda quelques secondes, puis Il en mangea la moitié et tendit le reste à Sundari en lui demandant de le manger. Puis Il leur permit de partir. Anuradha demanda à Sundari : "Est-ce la raison pour laquelle que tu as insisté pour apporter des idlis ?" Sundari était complètement immergée dans la joie de la lila de Bhagavan. Un jour de Shivaratri, Sundari et Vînai Ramani Ammal décidèrent d'avoir le darshan du Seigneur Arunachaleshvara. Ramani Ammal avait obtenu un ticket de darshan. Smt. Ramani Ammal laissa Sundari et alla au temple en avance. Le ticket était pour le darshan de 10 heures. Sundari termina son travail au (Ramana) Ashram et rentra chez elle, pour s'apercevoir que Ramani Ammal était déjà partie. Elle se rendit donc au temple où elle vit Ramani Ammal assise près du drapeau du temple qui faisait le japa. Ramani ne vit pas Sundari qui décida de faire une pradakshina (circumambulation) du temple puis de partir. Quand elle commença la pradakshina, elle vit Yogi Ramsuratkumar sous le Magizha Maram (les temples Sthala Vriksha). Elle alla donc se prosterner devant Lui. Yogiji lui tourna le dos. Un peu plus tard, Sri Dwarakanath Reddy et sa fille Sandhya arrivèrent avec un paquet de chocolats qu'ils offrirent à Bhagavan avec leurs prosternations. Bhagavan dit : "Ce mendiant n'aime pas les chocolats. Emportez-les." Sri Dwarakanath Reddy se demanda si Bhagavan lui rendrait les chocolats ! Quelques minutes plus tard, Bhagavan prit le paquet et distribua les chocolats à tout le monde sauf à ces deux-là ! Bhagavan prit l'un des derniers chocolats et était sur le point de le mettre dans la main tendue de Sundari quand Il le lança au Magizha Maram ! Il fit cela quatre ou cinq fois, puis Il donna un peu de jaggery à Sundari. Alors que Sundari allait le manger, Bhagavan le prit, en mangea la moitié et lui demanda de manger le reste ! Sundari le mangea et fit un namaskaram à Bhagavan. Pour elle, c'était comme si elle était au Kailash, et qu'elle avait le darshan du Seigneur Shiva Lui-même. Plus tard, Dwarakanath Reddy lui demanda pourquoi Bhagavan avait joué cette lila .Sundari dit qu'elle ne comprenait pas quel était le but dude la lila, mais qu'elle avait le sentiment que ses Karmas avaient été jetés un à un. Un soir, Sundari et Kunjammal
se rendirent Sannadhi street pour le darshan de Bhagawan. Sundari
avait pris du sucre candi en guise d'offrande à Bhagavan.
Kunjammal avait acheté une douzaine de plantains. Un couple
était déjà assis devant Bhagavan. Sundari
et Kunjammal firent leurs namaskars. Bhagavan prit le sucre candi
et en donna un peu au couple qui était devant lui, en
donna un à Sundari et un à Kunjamma, et Il demanda
à Sundari de s'asseoir devant Lui et de réciter
le nama. Il dit à Kunjamma : " Ce mendiant n'aime
pas les plantains " et Il lui demanda de les remmener. Alors
que Sundari scandait le nama, Bhagavan agitait les mains comme
s'Il chassait quelque chose. Plus tard, Il leur donna congé. Bhagavan dit : - Pas de docteur, pas de médicament, Père va la guérir. Quand on fit un ECG (Electro Cardio Gramme) quelques jours plus tard, il n'y avait absolument aucun signe de crise cardiaque ! Bhagavan agit comme médecin auprès de ceux qui s'abandonnent à Lui. La nuit où elle a eu une crise cardiaque, Sundari a eu la nette impression que Bhagavan était assis à côté d'elle et l'éventait. (Saranagatam, juillet 2019) |