Humbles pranams aux pieds de lotus de Bhagavan Shri YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR.
C'est uniquement par Sa grâce divine que tout arrive. Et
c'est uniquement par Sa Divine Volonté que j'ai pu faire
l'expérience de l'abondante grâce et des bénédictions
de Bhagavan Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Je me considère extrêmement
chanceuse d'avoir été bénie par Bhagavan
depuis que je suis toute petite. Enfant, j'ai heureusement accompagné
n'importe qui, que ce soit mes grands-parents, mon oncle et ma
tante, ou mes parents au Gnanananda Tapovanam et à Tiruvannamalai
sans vraiment comprendre ce qui se passait. Je regarderais juste
Swami converser avec mon grand-père P.K. Chellakani Nadar
Sannadhi street, totalement inconsciente du fait que j'étais
en présence du Pouvoir Suprême. Il y a eu de longues
périodes de silence que je comprends maintenant comme
des périodes où Swami effectuait activement l'uvre
de Son Père. Et tout d'un coup, Swami levait les mains
en bénédiction. J'observais Swami distribuer le
barfi de noix de coco que ma mère Buvaneshsari avait affectueusement
préparé en offrande avec une grande dévotion.
Mais étant une petite fille ignorante, il ne m'était
simplement jamais venu à l'esprit de me concentrer profondément
sur les actions ou sur les paroles de Bhagwan. Mes pensées
étaient vagues ou distraites. Je serai quelques mois après témoin d'un grand
miracle. Mon frère Kannan a eu un accident qui mettait
sa vie en danger et il a subi un grave traumatisme crânien.
Swamiji l'a sauvé et continue de le faire. Uniquement
par la grâce de Swamiji, Kannan a réussi
vaincre la mort. Le Vrai Sauveur Par La Grâce de Notre Guru, en décembre 2011,
ma collègue et moi avons reçu une bourse de l'Ambassade
de France pour participer à un atelier de formation de
2 semaines pour les professeurs de français en France.
C'était mon premier voyage en France. Ça a été
un voyage très fructueux et intéressant, à
tel point que je ne voulais pas qu'il se termine. Je me suis
retrouvé à faire une blague à mon amie le
dernier jour de notre voyage : "Et si nous nous perdions
en France?! Ne continuerions-nous pas à rester en France?
" Nous sommes arrivées au vaste aéroport Charles
de Gaulle pour embarquer sur notre vol de retour vers l'Inde.
On m'avait réémis un billet sur un vol différent
de celui de mon collègue car mon nom avait été
mal orthographié sur le premier billet réservé
par l'ambassade. J'ai fait mes adieux à mes amis et je
suis partie à la recherche du terminal où je devais
embarquer. Imaginez mon choc et ma consternation quand je suis
arrivée au comptoir de la porte réservée
et que j'ai découvert que mon nom n'était pas sur
la liste des passagers ! Quand j'ai insisté, on m'a informée
que mon billet pour le vol sur lequel mon équipe avait
embarqué était valide. J'aurais dû monter
avec eux. Et ce vol venait de partir ! On m'a dit d'acheter un
autre billet pour un vol plus tard ! Là, j'étais
coincée dans un pays étranger sans avoir assez
d'argent pour acheter un billet, mes amis étaient partis
et je ne connaissais personne. La situation semblait désespérée.
Je j'ai un cahier de Nama de Swami dans mon sac. J'écris
aussi le Nama en voyageant. Je crois que Swami demeure dans chaque
Nama que l'on prononce ou que l'on écrit et j'en tire
de la force. J'ai alors pris conscience qu'Il était mon
Refuge. J'ai prié avec ferveur Sadguru Gnanananda et Yogi
Ramsuratkumar. Mon mobile avait juste un peu de charge et de
temps de conversation. Je me suis souvenue du numéro d'assistance
téléphonique qui nous avait été donné.
J'ai appelé frénétiquement le numéro.
C'était un dimanche
est-ce que quelqu'un prendrait
la peine de répondre ? Quelqu'un l'a finalement fait et
j'ai expliqué ma difficile situation. On allait faire
quelque chose. Au bout d'un moment, un employé de l'aéroport
est venu me voir. Je lui ai montré tous mes documents.
Il a déclaré que tous les vols vers l'Inde pour
les prochaines 24 heures étaient complets. J'ai continué
de prier. J'ai finalement été mise sur un vol qui
allait partir dans une heure pour Mumbai d'où je pourrais
embarquer sur un vol de correspondance pour Chennai. Et on ne
m'a pas demandé de payer ! Je ne pouvais tout simplement
pas croire ce qui se passait ! Quel miracle ! Je suis rentrée
chez moi saine et sauve. À ma grande surprise, j'ai appris
que mon amie qui avait embarqué sur le vol précédent
n'était pas encore rentrée. Leur vol avait été
retardé. Elle a raté ses bagages en transit et
ne les a récupérés qu'une semaine après. (in Saranagatam, déc. 2020) |
Humble Pranams to The Lotus Feet of Bhagwan Shri YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR It is solely By His Divine Grace that everything happens. And it is by His Divine Will alone that I was able to experience the abundant Grace and Blessings of Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been blessed by Bhagwan ever since I was a little girl. As a kid, I happily tagged along with anyone, be it my grandparents, my uncle and aunt, or my parents to Gnanananda Thapovanam and Thiruvannamalai without actually understanding much of what was happening. I would just watch Swami converse with my grandfather P.K. Chellakani Nadar at Sannadhi Street, totally oblivious of the fact that I was in the presence of The Supreme Power. There were long periods of silence which I now understand to be Swami actively carrying out His Father's work. And all of a sudden Swami would raise His Hands in Blessing. I would observe Swami distribute the coconut burfi, which my mother Buvaneshwari had prepared affectionately and with great devotion, as offering. But being an ignorant little girl, it simply never occurred to me to focus or concentrate deeply on Bhagwan's actions or words. My thoughts were vague or distracted. On one such trip in 1986, with my uncle Jairaj and aunt Vasugi
to Swamiji's abode in Sannathi Street, I was beckoned by The
Master who was sitting on the threshold beside the heavy wooden
door in the verandah. I sat down on the fl oor below the step
,at close proximity to His Holy Feet. Swami asked me to sing
a song on In a few months, I would be a witness to a great miracle. My brother Kannan met with a life-threatening accident and suffered a severe head injury. Swamiji saved him and continues to do so. Solely by Swamiji's Grace, Kannan had been successful in defeating death. Blessings, Blessings and more Blessings.. By the infinite Grace of Swamij - The Greatest Teacher - I went on to complete my studies and started working as a French teacher. It was the year 1994. My parents were looking out for a suitable groom for me. They had narrowed it down to two prospective bridegrooms- one from Sivakasi and one from Chennai. My mother was firm that Swamiji should decide. So, off we went to Thiruvannamalai to seek His Blessings. I had been a happy and carefree Chennai girl not too anxious about the future. But, I loved Chennai. The moment we stepped into the Ashram, I started praying fervently that I should continue to reside in Chennai even after marriage. Swamiji was giving Darshan in the dining hall then. At first when my mother showed the two horoscopes and requested Swamiji to choose, He said 'Let the parents choose.' But my mother persisted. Swamiji selected the Chennai groom - V.S.V. Rajan much to my delight and relief! My prayers had been answered. Our wedding took place on an auspicious Ganesh Chathurthi. My husband and my son have been fortunate to receive Swami's Blessings. The True Saviour By The Grace of Our Guru, in December 2011, my colleague and I were offered a scholarship by the French Embassy to attend a 2 week training workshop for French teachers in France. It was my first trip to France. It was a very fruitful and interesting trip so much so that I did not want it to end. I found myself remarking jokingly to my friend on the last day of our trip, 'What if we were to get lost in France?! Wouldn't we continue to stay on in France?' We reached the sprawling Charles de Gaulle airport to board our flight back to India. I had been re-issued a ticket on a flight different from my colleague's as my name had been misspelt on the first ticket booked by the Embassy. I bid farewell to my friends and went in search of the terminal where I had to board my flight. Imagine my shock and dismay when I reached the counter of the allotted gate to discover that my name was not on the passenger list! When I persisted, I was informed that my ticket on the flight which my team had boarded was the valid one. I should have boarded along with them. And that flight had just left! I was told to buy another ticket on a later flight! There I was stranded in a foreign land with not enough money to buy a ticket, my friends had left and I did not know anyone. The situation seemed hopeless. I carry a Swami Nama notebook in my bag. I write the Nama while travelling too. I believe that Swami dwells in every Nama uttered or written and I derive strength from that. Now, I realised that He is my Refuge. I prayed fervently to Sadguru Gnanananda and Yogi Ramsuratkumar. My mobile had just a little charge and talktime left. I remembered the helpline number which we had been given. I frantically called the number. It was a Sunday would anyone even bother to respond? Someone eventually did and I explained my predicament. Something would be done. After a while an airport official met me. I showed him all my documents. He said all flights to India for the next 24 hours were full. I continued to pray. I was finally put on a flight which would be leaving in an hour to Mumbai from where I could board a connecting flight back to Chennai. And I was not asked to pay! I just could not believe what was happening! What a miracle! I reached home safe and sound. To my surprise, I learnt that my friend who had boarded the earlier flight hadn't yet returned. Their flight had been delayed. She missed her baggage in transit and got it back only after a week. It dawned on me that no matter how many friends you have,
there is only One True Friend whom you could always count on.
Bhagwan was and is The Only True Friend who stands by us in times
of need. Let's remember that He is the Only True Saviour who
can save us from distress. And I continue to count my Blessings