Evènements arrivés dans notre famille

Incidents that happened in our family

P. Thiagesvarupini, Aruppukottai - Class V

Cet incident est arrive lorsque mon cousin était petit garçon. Il tomba un jour dans sa maison, un endroit de sa tête devint mou. Ils se précipitèrent alors immédiatement chez le docteur. Le docteur dit que cela guérirait en quelques jours. Ils pensèrent tous aller à Tiruvannamalai. Lorsqu'ils arrivèrent à Tiruvannamalai ils allèrent voir Bhagavan. Et ils lui dirent ce qui était arrivé quelques jours auparavant. Bhagavan le garda sur ses genoux et calma sa tête. Mon cousin tirait la barbe de Swami et jouait avec Swami. Puis la blessure fut guérie. Ils furent tous surpris. Cela est un grand miracle accompli par Bhagavan.

Il y eut un incident alors que mon père faisait le Girivalam autour de la montagne à trios heures du matin. Des chiens féroces venaient derrière lui et il se sentit mal à l'aise. Alors, il pria Bhagavan d'être avec lui. Tout à coup un groupe de membres (fidèles) arriva derrière lui. Il en fut surpris. Il remercia Bhagavan d'être avec lui. Ce fut un autre évènement produit par notre grand Bhagavan.

Bhagavan est si généreux,
Bhagavan est si bon,
Bhagavan est si puissant,
Bhagavan est si doux,
Et toujours il nous a bénis.

Saranagatam - Janvier 2012

P. Thiagesvarupini, Aruppukottai - Class V


This incident happened when my cousin brother was a little boy. One day he fell at his house, a place on his head became soft. So they rushed to the doctor immediately. The Doctor said it will cure after few days. They all thought of going in Tiruvannamalai. When they landed in Tiruvannamalai they went to Bhagavan. And said to him what happened a few days before. Bhagavan kept him on his lap and soothed his head. My cousin pulled Swami's beard and played with Swami. Then the wound was cured. They were all surprised. This was a great miracle done by Bhagavan.

This was an incident when my daddy went to Girivalam around the mountain at 3. a.m. Some ferocious dogs came behind him. So, he felt uneasy about it. So, he prayed to Bhagavan to be with him. All of sudden a group of members (devotees) came behind him. He was surprised about it. He thanked Bhagavan for being with him. This was another incident done by our great Bhagavan.

Bhagavan is so generous,
Bhagavan is so kind,
Bhagavan is so powerful,
Bhagavan is so lovable,
And he blessed us always.

Saranagatam - January 2012