Sur deux pages Facebook différentes : - https://www.facebook.com/pg/dijonyoga/posts/ on peut trouver la même photo de Yogi Ramsuratkumar avec Ma Amritanandamayi. Non seulement cette photo est un montage, mais on peut lire, sur le premier site, le commentaire suivant qui est une pure création : "Il y a 34 ans quand Amma a visité Thiruvannamalai, Yogi Ramsuratkumar qui était dans la rue a vu Amma, et Il a crié « Kâli Kâli Kâli » et la regardée en disant : « Ici la Déesse Kâli marche dans les rues et personne ne La reconnaît. » Et il disait à ceux qui lui rendaient visite: « Ce mendiant a eu le darshan de Mata Amritanandamayi. » Les grands voient, savent et reconnaissent qui est Amma." Non seulement il est très facile de voir qu'il s'agit d'un montage, mais un autre montage nous montre Amma dans exactement la même posture et la même expression. |
On two different Facebook pages: - https://www.facebook.com/pg/dijonyoga/posts/ it's possible to find the same picture of Yogi Ramsuratkumar with Ma Amritanandamayi. Not only this picture is a montage, but it's possible to read, on the first site, the following commentary, which is a pure creation: "34 years ago when Amma visited Thiruvannamalai, Yogi Ramsuratkumar who was in the street saw Amma and He shouted: "Kâli, Kâli, Kâli" and He looked at her saying : "Here The Goddess Kali walks in the streets and nobody recognizes Her." And he said to those who were visiting him: "This beggar got the darshan of Mata Amritanandamayi." Great ones know and recognize who Amma is." Not only it's very easy to see that it's a montage, but another montage shows us Amma in the exact same posture and mood. |
Comment est-il possible de se livrer à de telles choses, comme si ces Mahatmas ne se suffisaient pas à eux-mêmes et avaient besoin de tels artifices qui risquent, hélas, de se propager. Propager un mensonge, est-ce vraiment dharmique ? Voici le récit donné par Swami Paratmananda, disciple d'Amma, qui était présent à cette époque (1982) (merci à Raghavji qui nous a fait connaître ce récit ) : Swami Paramatmananda: "Notre visite coïncidait
avec la Fête du Dipam , une célébration annuelle
à laquelle participent des centaines de milliers de personnes
de tout le sud de l'Inde. Un feu sacré est allumé
au sommet de la colline d'Arunachala, représentant la
lumière de l'illumination spirituelle flamboyante dans
les ténèbres d'une ignorance sans âge.
Dans le même genre, on peut voir comment une véritable légende a été créée par ses élèves au sujet de Lee Lozowick à coup d'inventions, de rapports biaisés, vire de mensonges. (ici) |
How is possible to indulge in such things, as if these Mahatmas were not self-sufficient and needed such artifices which, alas, may spread. Is spreading a lie really dharmic? Here is the narration given by Swami Paratmananda, Amma's disciple, who ws present at this time (1982) (thanks to Raghavji who sent us this text) : Swami Paramatmananda: "Our visit coincided with the Deepam Festival, an annual celebration attended by hundreds of thousands of people from all over southern India. A sacred fire is lit on top of Arunachala Hill representing the light of spiritual illumination blazing forth in the darkness of ageless ignorance. We all went to the town one morning to see the chariot festival. Images of the local deities were placed in a huge, ornately carved wooden chariot more than a hundred feet tall, and a procession was made through the streets with people pulling the chariot by rope. It was a joyous occasion and a sight to behold. While Amma was standing on the balcony of one of the buildings to get a good view of the chariot, an avadhuta named Ramsuratkumar came to see her. He had been a disciple of the well-known Swami Ramdas of Kanhangad in northern Kerala. He was highly revered in Tiruvannamalai for his saintliness. Dressed in rags, he had a long, flowing beard and in his hand he carried a fan. In Ammas presence, he became like a little child, and looked upon her as his spiritual mother. This opened the eyes of the local devotees as to who Amma really was. It was after a blissful 10 days in Tiruvannamalai that we all returned to the Ashram."
In the same style, it's possible to find how a true legend was created by his students about Lee Lozowick through inventions, biased reports, even lies. (here) |